BAF Initiatives

Africa Industry Survey

Africa wide industry surveys to understand experiences and needs of those in the industry

Pro-Bono Legal Aid

A service allowing free or low cost legal advisory services for those in Africa’s fashion sector

Media Equity

A cross fertilization series hosted with media platforms across the globe aimed at driving greater coverage of fashion brands and companies from the continent

Retailers Connect

An education series to help brands on the continent understand what is required to work with retailers across the globe- similar to the Media Equity initiative it will look to share knowledge to allow African brands to work with global players

Modeling Sector Education

An education series to help current and aspiring models learn how to protect themselves in the industry and to identify and address any issues regarding bias in the sector.

Fashion + Tech Focus

Programming and events to highlight the importance of emerging technology in fashion and to support those working in this area in Africa

Attend our monthly Fashion-Tech Virtual meet ups to build community, meet others, and get support from those also working in this space.

Fashion Funding

Initiatives that aim to increase awareness of need for funding for emerging businesses in Africa and that educates/ galvanizes the investor community to invest in the fashion sector and fashion businesses on the continent

Fashion Internships for Africa

An initiative providing the opportunity for those on the continent to intern with fashion businesses across the globe and gain industry experience

African Fashion Council

The African Fashion Council is a group by membership for all involved in the fashion sector in Africa. Whether designer, photographer, model,stylist, strategist, 3d developer- we invite all to join as members. 


The Fashion Council will allow us as professionals in the African fashion sector to collectively work towards the growth of our fashion industry. Additionally we will have specialized sessions and training for members of our community.

Fashion Workers

A study to understand the status of traditional crafts people, artisans, and factory workers in Africa’s fashion sector and make recommendations for best practices for engaging with them.
